

Japan International Exchange Association
法人番號 011105010441

    Donation account :

    銀 行 : 楽天銀行
    支 店 : 第三営業支店
    支 店 番 号 : 2 5 3
    普通預金口座番号 : 7438307
    名義人 : 一般社団法人日本国際交流協会

About Us

The Japan International Exchange Association (JPIEA) is a non-profit organization established in 2022 to promote international exchange and mutual understanding between Japan and other countries. The organization operates under the auspices of the Japan Legal Affairs Bureau and has offices in Tokyo.

JPIEA offers a wide range of cultural, educational and knowledge exchange programs aimed at promoting intercultural communication and cooperation. Their flagship project is the Taiwan-Japan Exchange and Chinese Language Teaching Program, which allows young people from all over the world to live and work in Japan as language teachers and cultural ambassadors or as a base for Japanese to learn Chinese

In addition to the Chinese-language teaching program, JPIEA provides support and services to international students and workers in Japan, including assistance with housing, language education, and job placement. They also work to promote Japanese culture and language abroad, providing cultural events and language education programs to individuals and organizations in other countries.

Overall, the Japan International Exchange Association plays a vital role in promoting mutual understanding and friendship between Japan and other countries. Their efforts have helped countless individuals and institutions around the world connect with Japan and experience its rich cultural heritage.





Our Mission

JPIEA's mission is to promote international exchange and mutual understanding between Japan and other countries through cultural, educational, and intellectual programs and services.


Our Vision

JPIEA's vision is to be a leading organization in promoting cross-cultural communication and cooperation, fostering global citizenship and contributing to a peaceful and prosperous world.


Our Values

JPIEA's values include respect for diversity and cultural differences, fostering mutual understanding and friendship, and promoting lifelong learning and intellectual curiosity.


We are committed to promoting intercultural communication and understanding. Through our programs and services, we strive to create a more peaceful and prosperous world where individuals and institutions can connect and learn from each other's unique perspectives and experiences.




JPIEA is an international public welfare association, and of course it is also an international non-profit organization. Its members come from the backbone of the society. They are striving for the growth of the conference business. We hope that more members will bravely participate in the conference business, provide valuable prescriptions and gather the strength of everyone to create overall brilliant achievements.


